Womens Outdoor Gear
[56]Our clothing and shoe categories
- Womens
- Womens Shoes
- Womens Clothing
- Womens Pants
- Womens Jackets
- Womens Shirts
- Womens Hoodies
- Womens Tracksuits
- Womens Shorts
- Womens Tights
- Womens Polo Shirts
- Womens Sports Bras
- Womens Skirts
- Womens Bags
- Womens Swimwear
- Womens Sweatpants
- Womens Headwear
- Womens Slides
Set out for the great outdoors with no hesitation. From the hood on your elastic jacket to the GORE-TEX® breathable lining of your boots, women’s outdoor gear from adidas has you covered from head to toe. When hiking up switchbacks or scrambling up a rock face, versatility is key in the women’s outdoor space. Get out there and enjoy the open space and fresh air. Whether it’s stretchy pants or grippy shoe’s you need for that next hike, preparation and proper women’s outdoor gear choices are key to feeling comfortable on the trail.