
Womens Black Sneakers & Sportswear


Black sneakers for women

adidas streetwear gives you that classic, retro look. Our shoes are designed to meet the challenges of sporting activities and complete a casual look. adidas sneakers look after your feet and offer absolute comfort, meaning that you can enjoy every moment. Our black sneakers for women give you a stylish edge.

Made for creators – adidas black sneakers for women

Leather, polyester, synthetics upper and textile upper are among the materials we use to manufacture our sneakers. Polyester is ideal for active clothing because sweat is directly wicked away.

You are the highlight on every stage with our brands

You will find trends that already have legendary potential in the sneakers collections of brands like adidas by Stella McCartney, Originals or Five Ten. Stay legendary with adidas Originals. The brand repeatedly inspires us to question the status quo, despite its relaxed retro vibes. Performance is the product line for athletes who have the highest expectations of themselves and set the rules for themselves with regards to fashion. Looking for functional design in combination with reliable performance in all conditions? adidas Terrex is all about outdoor activities which makes it the perfect companion.

With technologies such as TRAXION, GEOFIT and FORMOTION, you are equipped for any situation. Perfect wicking away of moisture, no freezing, and nice warmth for your strained muscles: CLIMALITE. The BOOST midsole gives you full power with each step and enables the most reactive absorption that we have ever made. The BOUNCE midsole ensures a shoe with comfortable absorption for full power on the field or wherever you may need it. The progressive design of the adidas 4D midsole is based on athlete data collected over a number of years. Its one-of-a-kind grid structure is delivered by 3D printing via digital light synthesis, and therefore doesn't merely look super-innovative but is also high-performance! adidas shoes aim for the highest standards! In sport. In music. In everyday life. That's why we develop highly innovative technologies, test them under real-life conditions and furnish them with our distinctive design. Delpala, NMD and Must Haves are our well-known sneakers collections. Protecting the environment is important to us. The NMD collection combines the history of our brand with innovative design – no matter whether it's clothing, shoes or accessories. Create an urban look with running style. Be it adidas soccer cleats, adidas running shoes or stylish streetwear, thanks to high-quality materials and innovative features such as primeknit or mesh, you can always put in an outstanding performance, whatever your discipline may be.

Do you want to break the rules and then redefine them? Fun and self-improvement are both possible with our products for men. Be it before, during or after training – as true athletes, we know that details often make the difference. This is precisely why our women's outfits are perfectly tailored to the highest standards for day-to-day life and sport. While hiking don't let yourself be stopped and go your own way. Our sneakers are suitable for ground, road, trail and turf.

Show your individual style that is totally you with black sneakers for women from adidas