
Womens White Sneakers & Sportswear


Women’s white gear has you covered with clothing and shoes you can wear whether you’re working or enjoying your weekend. Look for the latest styles you can train and chill in.

White sneakers for women

With adidas shoes, you combine authentic sports heritage and global streetwear style. Furthermore, you always keep your grip, whether on the way to your sports class or to the coffee shop. Find the perfect fit! With adidas sneakers, your feet can move freely while being perfectly supported. With white sneakers for women you'll be well prepared.

The adidas white sneakers for women also have a durable outsole and a seamless sock liner that hugs your foot, making them perfect for women who are on their feet all day. With a flat rubber sole and laces that won't come loose by themselves, these shoes are designed to be perfect for running around town or for your next workout. Pair the adidas white sneakers for women with your favourite jeans for an effortless look.

The brand with the three stripes – adidas white sneakers for women

Our sneakers are made of leather, polyester, synthetics upper and textile upper. When it really matters and you are really starting to sweat, you will find that you are simply better protected with sports clothing made of polyester. Because sweat is directly wicked away from the body and because you are kept warm just when you need it.

Our brands combine street style with the needs of athletes

Be it brands like Originals, Performance or Sportswear, with adidas sneakers, you won't just make an impression during your next training session – you'll also grab the attention on the way there. Looking for the ideal outfit for streetwear or sport? adidas Originals are essential if you want to create a classic retro look. They will help you to redefine style, all the time! Performance represents an added level of motivation and achievement. Functional designs that deliver performance you can depend on whatever the weather conditions. This is adidas Terrex.

We test new technologies like FORMOTION under real-life conditions; on the field, court and track. Perfect wicking away of moisture, no freezing, and lovely warmth for your strained muscles: CLIMALITE. BOOST is the most reactive absorption we have ever made; this means full power with each and every step. The BOUNCE midsole is flexible and absorbent so you will get the most out of yourself. The more you give, the more energy you get back! We have analyzed athlete data collected over several years. We applied this data when developing the adidas 4D midsole. Its unique grid structure offers the perfect combination of support and optimum absorption for your foot. Highly innovative technologies and style – adidas shoes meet the highest standards from all perspectives! Swift, Alpha and Cloudfoam are our well-known sneakers collections. The history of the adidas brand combined with innovative design is embodied in our NMD collection. Be it shoes, clothing or accessories – NMD epitomizes futuristic street style. adidas is popular with athletes and sneaker fans. adidas winter shoes such as Terrex are indispensable when it's cold. In the summer, on the other hand, adidas flip flops or the iconic slides are popular models.

Do you want to break and redefine the rules? Fun and self-improvement are both possible with our products for men. Tailored to the needs of women, our women's outfits are a real upgrade to an authentic look. While hiking don't let anyone stop you and pursue precisely your own path. You will find sneakers for road in our large selection.

The future begins now. Grab a pair of our white sneakers for women from adidas – and your moment is here.